Hello, my name is Matthew P. Hitt. I am Interim Director of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences and Associate Professor of Political Science at Colorado State University. Thank you for visiting.
My research focuses on primarily on American political institutions. I am interested in how institutional and external factors influence the choices political actors make, especially at the collective level, in the judiciary, Congress, and the media. My books, Inconsistency and Indecision in the United States Supreme Court, Home Style Opinion: How Local News Can Slow Polarization, and Time Series Analysis for the Social Sciences are available from University of Michigan Press and Cambridge University Press.
My research has also appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Energy Policy, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Journal of Communication, Journal of Law and Courts, Law and Society Review, Political Communication, Public Opinion Quarterly, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Scientific Reports, and Studies in American Political Development. My doctoral dissertation was awarded the 2015 Edward S. Corwin Prize for best dissertation in public law by the American Political Science Association. My research has been covered by The New Yorker, The Associated Press, National Public Radio, The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Boston Globe, Axios, Big Think, Harvard Business Review, BYU Radio, and Wyoming Public Media. I have written public-facing pieces for a number of outlets, including Scientific American, The Monkey Cage, The Conversation, Mischiefs of Faction, The Brennan Center for Justice, and the London School of Economics.
Please contact me at matthew [dot] hitt [at] colostate [dot] edu with any questions or comments.